For the glory of God, we exist that all may know Christ and make Him known.

Brief History

In the fall of 2003 Life began in the living room of our founding pastor, Paul Gotthardt with four adults, a dream for discipleship and a lot of prayer. Through foundational years and then formative years, God developed Life into a loving community with a heart for kingdom activity. The most recent years have been expanding years in which God has allowed Life to serve locally and partner with ministries all over the world.

Along the way, we’ve gone from a handful of inexperienced followers to a thriving New Testament church. We’ve seen many people enter relationship with Christ and hundreds of others developed as disciples.

Through it all, God has made one principle unmistakably clear. Everything God desires to do in and through our lives, he will accomplish out of the overflow of our relationship with Him. Christianity is not about the do’s and don’ts, rules and restrictions, or performance-based religion. Christianity is about relationship!


What We Believe

In essential beliefs, we have unity. In non-essential beliefs, we have liberty. In all our beliefs, we show charity.
The following statements represent our essential beliefs:

Our Values

Values are crucial to everyone. For individuals, they shape our character. For organizations, they shape our culture. At Life, we recognize that our values ground us, bring us back to what’s important, and remind us of why we exist. Each value draws us towards Christ’s call to be disciples who make disciples.

GOD DEPENDENCE | The mindset of a disciple

SCRIPTURAL AUTHORITY | The guide of a disciple

ABIDING IN CHRIST | The calling of a disciple

SPIRITUAL FORMATION | The growth of a disciple

COMMUNITY OF LOVE | The environment of a disciple

KINGDOM PARTICIPATION | The mission of a disciple

GOSPEL-CENTERED LIVING | The message of a disciple

Who We Are

We are a Christian community that is passionate about teaching the Christ-life and making disciples. According to Scripture, a disciple is someone who pursues Christ by loving God, uniting with believers, serving the world, and entrusting the Gospel.

love. unite. serve. entrust.

As a church, we want to provide practical training, resources, and opportunities for people to pursue God in each of these areas. We teach that…

Loving God is about…
Enjoying an intimate relationship with God Getting to know God through His Word Communicating with God through prayer Spending time with God Worshiping him with our lives...

Uniting with believers is about…
Enjoying and developing strong relationships with other believers Uniting our lives in mission, prayer, service, vision, love, Bible study, etc. Investing in others through accountability and encouragement Living life together...

Serving the world is about…
Showing people love through our actions, not just our words Being good stewards of our world and its resources Following Christ’s example of serving others Investing in lives, families, communities, and nations...

Entrusting the Gospel is about…
Sharing the Gospel of the kingdom Entrusting the teachings of Christ to faithful men and women Inviting others to join in God’s kingdom activity.

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